Panic attacks can take a lot out of a person. Listed below are some tips to help you start treating your panic attacks so that you can deal with stress easier.
Deep Breaths
You can ease the symptoms of a panic attack by taking note of your rapid breathing during an attack and figuring out how to slow it down. Short, shallow breaths only cause hyperventilation and exacerbate the feelings of panic. So, when you can slow your breathing to long, deep breaths, you regain control of the attack. Focus on taking deep breaths to regain control of your breathing.
Dealing with panic attacks alone can be very difficult. Staying socially active, even just spending time with loved ones, can help you avoid panic attacks by providing positive interactions with others. Friends and loved ones are always there for you.
When you first become aware of the beginning of a panic attack, try to determine if there really is something dangerous to be afraid of, at that moment, in reality. Will someone cause you harm? Probably not. Once you realize this, you can breathe deep and allow the fear to subside.
Panic Attack
The minute you know a panic attack is coming, distract yourself — even if it’s something as simple as counting and recounting your fingers to yourself or reading license plate numbers. Try to memorize your favorite song, play a video game or focus on an object. Try several activities until you find one that takes your focus off of the panicky feelings. This distraction technique can help you to feel better and can often prevent an intense, prolonged panic attack.
When you feel a panic attack coming, you should stop what you’re doing, sit down, and breathe. Inhale slowly to a count of five. Watch as your stomach rises. Now exhale slowly out your mouth, also to a count of five. Gradually, extend the duration until you can comfortably inhale to the count of ten and exhale to the count of ten for maximum stress relief.
If an attack is eminent, resist the urge to combat it. Instead of worrying about the feelings the attack is triggering, concentrate on the idea that you know it will pass. You should calmly accept the fact you’re having an attack instead of fighting and raising your anxiety levels.
Panic Attack
When you are experiencing a panic attack, it is important that you are aware of what is truly occurring. Make sure you know that you are not in any danger, and you are just having a panic attack due to your nervous system being over-stimulated. This will put you in the right frame of mind and reduce the duration of the attack. Panic attacks are in no way positive, and this advice isn’t trying to downgrade that, but by changing the way you think, it can help negate some of your panic.
When you feel stress coming on, make sure that you have someone to talk to. Words of comfort from someone you care about can often ease the stress. A hug is also a good option because it releases endorphins and relaxes you. Human touch is vital to almost all humans and can be very comforting.
It is possible to train panic attacks out of yourself, but it will take time. Ask your doctor the things you can do to treat your symptoms the safe way. The tips in this article should help you get started living a new life without the worry of panic attacks.